The Report Builder is a visual, drag-and-drop tool which you use to create reports and edit existing ones. The report builder is where you choose a report type, report format, and the fields that make up your report.
To launch the report builder, click New Report.
To use:
From the reports tab, click New Report.
Choose a report type, then click Continue.The report type you choose determines which records are returned and which fields are available in your report.
The report opens in edit mode, and shows a preview.In edit mode, add and remove fields to your report as columns, group by rows and columns, filter report data, or add a chart. Customise your report until it shows exactly the data that you need.
To add a column to your report,
Choose a field from the Add column… picklist.
Alternatively, expand the Fields pane, then drag a field onto the Columns list or directly onto the report preview. To select multiple fields, press Ctrl (Windows), Cmd (Mac), or Shift when you click.
To remove a column from your report,
From the Columns list, find the column you want to remove. Then click .
Alternatively, from the preview pane, find the column you want to remove. Click | Remove Column.
To remove all columns from your report, from the Columns list, click | Remove All Columns.Removing a column from your report doesn’t delete the field. If you remove a column, but want it back, add it again.
To summarize a column in your report,
From the preview pane, find the column you want to summarize. Click | Summarize.
Choose how you want to summarize the column: Sum, Average, Max, Min.
To group records in your report,
Choose a column from the Add group… picklist under GROUP ROWS.After grouping a row, you can group a column by choosing a column from the Add group… picklist under GROUP COLUMNS. Group up to 2 rows and 2 columns.After grouping records by a date field, you can also customize date granularity. First select the date field you want to group your report by. Then, for Group Date By…, apply a calendar or fiscal period.
Alternatively, drag a column from the Columns list or from the preview pane onto the GROUP ROWS or GROUP COLUMNS list.
Alternatively, from the preview pane, find the column you want to group. Click | Group Rows by This Column (or Group Columns by this Column).After adding a group, you can show or hide detail rows, subtotals, and a grand total by clicking the switches at the bottom of the preview pane.
To ungroup records in your report,
From the Groups list, find the group you’d like to ungroup and then click .
Alternatively, drag the group onto the preview pane.
To ungroup all groups in your report, from the Groups list, click .Unless you drag the group onto the preview pane, removing a group also removes the column from your report. If you still want to show the column, add it back.
To filter records from your report, click FILTERS.Depending on which report type you chose, your report has between two and four standard filters that are applied by default. Most templates include a Show Me filter and a Date filter. The Show Me filter scopes report results around common groups, like “my activities” or “all activitivies”. The Date filter scopes results around a date field, like “created date” or “closed date”.
To add a field filter, choose a field from the Add filter… picklist.
To edit a filter, including standard filters, click the filter.
To remove a filter, click the on the filter.
To add a chart, first add at least 1 group, then click Add Chart.A chart appears. To customize the chart, click . Change the chart type, color palette, and more.To show or hide the chart, click .To remove the chart, click Remove Chart.
Click Save. If you’re creating a brand new report, give it a name. Optionally, give it a description. With access and sharing in mind, save the report in an appropriate folder.